Finding Your Creative Side…

My first creative attempt at creating and illustrating a children’s book called “Joyride”!

Finding your creative side can be an exciting journey of self-discovery. One creative thought or idea leads to another. Seriously! This is not as daunting as one might expect…and you DO NOT need to retire to find your creative side. It begins with a journey of self discovery. I always knew I loved to create and make things. I loved everyday chores and making everyday life into beautiful art! For example: Making up my bed would then inspire me to decorate my whole bedroom. Here are several thoughts that helped me check into my creative side and gave me food for thought on how we all can tap into our creativity:

  1. Be curious: You were born to CREATE! Approach your world with an open and curious mindset. Ask questions, explore some new interests by thinking out of the box. Curiosity is the fuel that drives creativity.

  2. Failure happens: Take your Time! Inspiration hits you when you are doing. Please DO NOT be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Ah-ha moments happen when you least expect them. Learning comes with mistakes! Would we have ever learned how to walk without falling a million times? Pablo Picasso once said “Inspiration exists but it has to find you working”! My mother once said or quoted someone “Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater!” I think you get my drift. Keep on keeping on….

  3. Practice self-reflection: Take a few moments each day to be in the moment and take a hard look at the world around you. Practice breathing deeply, meditation or journaling to tap into your inner thoughts and emotions. Self-reflection can help lead you to personal perspectives. Everyone should read the book “The Artist’s Way; A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity” by a National bestselling author Julia Cameron. It was a great course and inspiration for me in discovering my creative self.

  4. Explore your imagination: Allow yourself time to be alone and let your mind wander like you did when you were young. As a child, I use to ride a stick horse and pretend it was a real horse. Give yourself permission to daydream and explore your imagination and find your inner child.

  5. Be consistent: Like any skill, creativity flourishes with practice. Try to set aside time for creative activities, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. This will make it a natural part of your life. And in my opinion, this all should have been taught in school.

    I will leave you with this today….Remember, creativity is a deeply personal and unique journey whether it be with art, a craft, a skill or with your day to day job. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and enjoy the discovery of your own creative potential.


Ah Ha Moment…Steps to end Procrastination!


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